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Tourist-Information & E-Bike-Verleihstation in Bayreuth

In Bayreuth gibt es einen E‑Bike-Verleih. Wer also die Stadt und die Umgebung mit dem E‑Bike erkunden möchte, hat die Möglichkeit sich in der Tourist-Information eines von vier tollen, voll ausgestatteten E‑Bikes auzuleihen. Mit den Rädern erklimmen sie mit „Rückenwind“ problemlos Berge und genießen Ihren Radausflug in die Fränkische Schweiz, das Fichtelgebirge oder rund um Bayreuth.

Das Ausleihen der E‑Bikes ist von April bis Oktober in der Tourist-Information Bayreuth möglich.

Unsere Mitarbeiter helfen Ihnen gerne bei Fragen rund um die Wagnerstadt Bayreuth, zur Unterkunftssuche oder zur Freizeitgestaltung weiter.

Informationen aus Reisen Für Alle

Zertifiziert im Zeitraum: September 2020 - Februar 2025
Information zur Kennzeichnung "Barrierefreiheit geprüft Piktogramm "Barrierefrei für Menschen mit Gehbehinderung"
Kurzbericht als PDF herunterladen

Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report.

  • The name or logo of the tourist information is clearly recognizable from the outside.
  • The objectives of the paths are not always within sight.
  • Information for orientation is available with pictorial symbols (pictograms, photorealistic representation).
  • Guided tours for people with cognitive impairments are offered on request. A reservation in advance is necessary.
  • The guided tour for people with cognitive impairments is given using easy language.
  • The contents (e.g. exhibits) of the guided tour for people with cognitive impairments are easy to understand or are explained in a way that is easy to understand (e.g. visually).
  • Information is not displayed with pictograms or images.

Prüfbericht für Menschen mit kognitiven Beeinträchtigungen als PDF herunterladen

All areas relevant for testing meet the quality criteria of the label "Accessibility certified - accessible for people with walking disabilities and wheelchair users".

Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report.

  • There are two marked parking space for people with disabilities (parking space size: 315 cm x 515 cm). The width of the marked parking lot is 315 cm, but you can get off directly on the sidewalk.
  • The bus stop “Opernhaus” is 80 m away.
  • The building is steplessly accessible.
  • All evaluated rooms and facilities available to the guests are steplessly accessible.
  • All evaluated passageways/doors available to the guests are at least 90 cm wide.
  • The counter is at its lowest point 74 cm high.
  • External paths (to the public toilets) are at least 200 cm wide and easy to walk on and drive on and have a maximum longitudinal gradient of up to 9 %.
  • Guided tours for people with walking impairments and wheelchair users are offered on request. A reservation in advance is necessary.
  • Mobile or fixed seats are available for people with walking disabilities, which may be used during the guided tour.
  • The entire route of the guided tour is steplessly variable for wheelchair users.
  • Cooperation with medical supply store: aids can be provided or contact can be established.

Public toilet for people with disabilities (opposite of the tourist information)

  • The toilet door can be opened with a Euro-key.
  • The manoeuvring spaces are:
    in front of/behind the door, in front of the toilet and the washbasin at least 150 cm x 150 cm;
    left of the toilet 125 cm x 70 cm; and right of the toilet 40 cm x 70 cm.
  • There are grab rails available on the right and left of the toilet. The grab rails can be flipped-up.
  • The sink has limited access.
  • The mirror can be seen while standing or sitting.
  • An alarm trigger is available.

Prüfbericht für Menschen mit Gehbehinderung als PDF herunterladen Prüfbericht für Rollstuhlfahrer als PDF herunterladen

Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report.

  • There is no clearly visible alarm.
  • There are no guided tours available for people with hearing impairment and deaf people.
  • Cooperation with medical supply store: aids can be provided or contact can be established.

Prüfbericht für Menschen mit Hörbehinderungen als PDF herunterladen

Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report.

  • Assistance dogs are allowed in relevant areas/rooms.
  • The entrance is visually rich in contrast and recognizable by a tactile change of floor covering.
  • All evaluated and usable areas for the guest are well illuminated, i.e. bright and glare-free.
  • The signage is designed in clearly legible and contrasting font.
  • Guided tours are offered for people with visual impairments, but not for blind people. A reservation in advance is necessary.
  • Tactilely detectable exhibits are integrated in the guided tour.
  • Cooperation with medical supply store: aids can be provided or contact can be established.

Prüfbericht für Menschen mit Sehbehinderung als PDF herunterladen

jetzt geöffnet

Wochentag Öffnungszeiten
Montag 09:00 - 18:00
Dienstag 09:00 - 18:00
Mittwoch 09:00 - 18:00
Donnerstag 09:00 - 18:00
Freitag 09:00 - 18:00
Samstag 09:00 - 16:00
Sonntag geschlossen


Montag - Freitag von 9.00 Uhr - 19.00 Uhr
Samstag von 9.00 Uhr - 16.00 Uhr
Sonntag von 10.00 Uhr - 14.00 Uhr (Mai- Oktober)

Kategorie Festpreis
e-Bike-Verleih (Mai - Oktober): 20,00 €/Tag 25,00 €
E-Bike-Verleih pro halber Tag: 15,00 €
Kaution bar pro Rad:

Ausleihe nur von April - Oktober

120,00 €

Tourist-Information Bayreuth


Opernstr. 22, 95444 Bayreuth

0921 88588

0921 88555

Navigation starten

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Forsthaus Kamerun

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Am Marktplatz 2a, 95512 Neudrossenfeld

Herzlich willkommen in der Brauerei Bräuwerck in Neudrossenfeld!


Brewery E-Bike charging station Event venue Restaurant

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Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1, 95445 Bayreuth

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Sa., 17.05.2025


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Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1, 95445 Bayreuth

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Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1, 95445 Bayreuth

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Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1, 95445 Bayreuth

Sa., 16.08.2025


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Bierseminar mit professioneller Sensorikverkostung

Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1, 95445 Bayreuth

Sa., 15.03.2025


ca. 0,8 km entfernt

Bierseminar mit professioneller Sensorikverkostung

Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1, 95445 Bayreuth

Sa., 17.05.2025


ca. 0,8 km entfernt

Bierseminar mit professioneller Sensorikverkostung

Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1, 95445 Bayreuth

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ca. 0,8 km entfernt

Bierseminar mit professioneller Sensorikverkostung

Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1, 95445 Bayreuth

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ca. 0,8 km entfernt

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Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1, 95445 Bayreuth

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ca. 0,8 km entfernt

Bierseminar mit professioneller Sensorikverkostung

Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1, 95445 Bayreuth

Sa., 29.11.2025


ca. 0,8 km entfernt

Bierseminar mit professioneller Sensorikverkostung

Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1, 95445 Bayreuth


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ca. 0,8 km entfernt

Biertasting "Bier & Käse"

Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1, 95445 Bayreuth


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ca. 0,8 km entfernt

Biertasting "Bier & Käse"

Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1, 95445 Bayreuth

Sa., 12.04.2025


ca. 0,8 km entfernt

Biertasting "Bier & Käse"

Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1, 95445 Bayreuth

Sa., 07.06.2025


Zu "Weitere Tipps in der Nähe" zurückspringen

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Beer Cellar E-Bike charging station Food Establishment

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Schloss Seehof 14, 96117 Memmelsdorf

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Kapellenplatz 5, 96117 Memmelsdorf

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Beer garden E-Bike charging station Food Establishment Restaurant

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Lindenallee 17, 96129 Strullendorf


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Hauptstr. 36, 91320 Ebermannstadt

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Litzendorfer Straße 3, 96129 Strullendorf

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Hauptstraße 19, 96117 Memmelsdorf

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Roßdorf am Forst, Sutte 5, 96129 Strullendorf

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Adam-Seiler-Str. 1, 95512 Neudrossenfeld

Grüß Gott und herzlich willkommen in Neudrossenfeld!

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Klosterhof 2-4, 91077 Neunkirchen am Brand

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Hauptstr. 39, 91257 Pegnitz

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Schammelsdorf, Kremmeldorfer Straße 1, Schammelsdorf, 96123 Litzendorf

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Merkendorf, Pointstr. 1, 96117 Memmelsdorf

Herzlich willkommen in der Brauerei Wagner in Merkendorf in der Gemeinde Memmelsdorf!


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Am Marktplatz 2a, 95512 Neudrossenfeld

Herzlich willkommen in der Brauerei Bräuwerck in Neudrossenfeld!


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An der Therme 2, Obernsees, 95490 Mistelgau

Willkommen im Info-Shop Neubürg!

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Teichstr. 5, 91286 Obertrubach

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Tourist Information Center

Porzellanikon - Staatliches Museum für Porzellan - Hohenberg - Villa und Sammlung

Schirndinger Str. 48, 95691 Hohenberg a.d.Eger

Herzlich Willkommen im Porzellanikon - Staatliches Museum für Porzellan - Hohenberg a.d.Eger!

E-Bike charging station Event venue Museum

Hotel Brauerei Gasthof Höhn

Hauptstraße 11, 96117 Memmelsdorf

Herzlich willkommen im Hotel & Braugasthof Höhn in Memmelsdorf!


Franconian, Vegan, Vegetarian, Regional, German

Brewery E-Bike charging station Hotel Inn Restaurant


Burgstr. 6, 91327 Gößweinstein

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City Tourist Information Center Tourist trip

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Oberes Tor 1, 91320 Ebermannstadt

Auskünfte und Informationen zur Fränkischen Schweiz!

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Jurastr. 1, 96146 Altendorf

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1.9 Einwohner

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